sobota, 5 marca 2011

/Villa Lobos - Bachianas Brasileiras 4. Piano: Marco Aurélio Xavier/

/Villa-Lobos interpreta Villa-Lobos - Prelúdio no. 1/

/Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Cinema Paradiso/

/Keith Jarrett & Charlie Haden - One Day I'll Fly Away/

/Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau - Make Peace/

/Brad Mehldau - Highway Rider/

/Brad Mehldau: Don't Be Sad/

/Jacaszek - Treny - Rytm to nieśmiertelność II/

/Jacaszek - rytm to niesmiertelnosc/

/Amon Tobin-Easy Muffin (full version)/

/Flying Lotus - Satellliiiiiteee/